What is Equilibrium? What are the types of Equilibrium ??
- When the net force acting on the body is zero
- Equilibrium is defined as a state of balance or a stable situation where opposing forces cancel each other out and where no changes are occurring
- Suppose the force acts on the left side the equal force would be acting on right side to balance it.Similar effect would be on up and down that balance each other forces.
- Or we can say, equilibrium of a body is defined as state when all the forces and actions acting on the body nullify each other resulting in a stable balanced and unchanging position.It is the stage when body is either in state of rest or moving with a constant velocity

There are mainly three types of equilibrium :-
- Stable Equilibrium
- Unstable equilibrium
- Neutral equilibrium
- A body is said to be in a stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it return to its previous position
- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body lies below the point from which it is suspended or supported
Ex: A table on a floor
bottle lying on its base
heavy base of vehicle
2) Unstable equilibrium
- When forces or disturbing moment is applied on the body such that on removal of that force or moment the original position is called is unstable equilibrium
- Or we can say, if a body does not return to its previous position when sets free after a slightest tilt
- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body lies above the point from which it is suspended or supported
Ex: A pen standing on its point
Rod standing vertically is slightly disturbed from its original position
3) Neutral equilibrium
-When body attain a new position when disturbed from its previous position called neutral equilibrium
-When forces or disturbing moment is applied on a body such that on removal of that force or moment the body doesn't retain its original position but attain a new position called neutral equilibrium
- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body coincide with the point of support or suspension
Ex: Ball moving on the ground
A pencil lying horizontally
An egg lying horizontally on the flat surface
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- When the net force acting on the body is zero
- Equilibrium is defined as a state of balance or a stable situation where opposing forces cancel each other out and where no changes are occurring
- Suppose the force acts on the left side the equal force would be acting on right side to balance it.Similar effect would be on up and down that balance each other forces.
- Or we can say, equilibrium of a body is defined as state when all the forces and actions acting on the body nullify each other resulting in a stable balanced and unchanging position.It is the stage when body is either in state of rest or moving with a constant velocity

-Types of equilibrium
There are mainly three types of equilibrium :-

- Unstable equilibrium
- Neutral equilibrium
1) Stable Equilibrium
- When forces or disturbing moment is applied on a body such that on removal of that force or moment the body return to its original position is called as stable equilibrium.- A body is said to be in a stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it return to its previous position
- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body lies below the point from which it is suspended or supported

bottle lying on its base
heavy base of vehicle
2) Unstable equilibrium
- When forces or disturbing moment is applied on the body such that on removal of that force or moment the original position is called is unstable equilibrium

- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body lies above the point from which it is suspended or supported
Ex: A pen standing on its point
Rod standing vertically is slightly disturbed from its original position
3) Neutral equilibrium
-When body attain a new position when disturbed from its previous position called neutral equilibrium

- In such equilibrium the centre of gravity of body coincide with the point of support or suspension
Ex: Ball moving on the ground
A pencil lying horizontally
An egg lying horizontally on the flat surface
To study more physics topic in simple way subscribe my blog SCIENCE HUB
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